© Bjorn Holland / Getty Images / WWF Sunlight eclipsing planet Earth

Earth Hour

Saturday, March 25 at 8:30 p.m. local time

Every year and everywhere, at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, millions of people across the world join in raising awareness of the nature crises facing our planet.

It’s not just a symbol of support — it’s a catalyst for urgent change because Earth Hour is about more than 60 minutes. It’s a movement for our future.

Our planet is in crisis, but there is still time to keep biodiversity loss and climate change from reaching catastrophic levels.

To reverse nature loss by 2030, every hour is important. Spending 60 minutes doing something positive for the planet can turn into thousands and millions of hours of action and awareness.

On Saturday, March 25 at 8:30 pm local time, join millions of people around the world in making a difference during the Biggest Hour for Earth.

It’s time to make nature matter. This Earth Hour, take small actions, inspire big change – and give an hour for Earth.

© Jeremiah Armstrong / WWF-Canada Earth Hour 2009. A candle-lit Scrabble board spelling

Take part: Give an hour for Earth

How can you help us create the Biggest Hour for Earth?

Find 60 minutes to do something — anything — positive for our planet.

It can be as simple as taking a walk in nature with friends, signing a petition to protect wildlife, or reading and sharing our blogs and posts.

Giving an hour for Earth can take many forms and can be done at any time during the day on March 25th!

Every one of us have the power to make a positive impact on our planet – join us!

Tell us how you’re planning on giving an hour for Earth!

© Jeremiah Armstrong / WWF-Canada Earth Hour 2009. Hands holding candles.

Going Beyond the Hour

Want to extend your impact beyond 60 minutes? Here are some ways you can help fight nature loss and its impact on wildlife and climate change:

Switch off your lights for an hour and broaden your support

Earth Hour began as a movement to visually demonstrate support for actions that address climate change and biodiversity loss.

Turning off your lights is an important signal of support for the movement that also provides an opportunity to reflect. In recent years we have added new actions, both in-person and with the addition of virtual options, so that the impact of this movement is far reaching and felt on a global scale. Stay involved with our campaigns to make a difference all year round and let us know how you’re giving an hour for Earth by completing a form today!