Un Jardin pour tous
Un Jardin pour tous
The project Un jardin pour tous was initiated on November 26th 2014, within the framework of a citizen workshop in which more than 30 Rosemont residents took part. At the end of this workshop, participating citizens established the project’s guidelines, such as layout and programming of the space in question. Collectively, citizens were able to imagine an edible landscape on the grounds of the Rosemont Library.
The project took the shape of a low maintenance food production garden, with angles on permaculture and nature observation, that respects natural cycles and that aspires self sufficiency.
From the very beginning, citizens partaking in the project wished to learn about gardening as a group and inspired each other with their respective talents, desires and dreams. Participating citizens get together regularly on site to garden, and those who wish to join in are welcome to do so throughout the season. With no barriers or fences, anyone can stop by and harvest fresh produce, as long as it is done in way that respects the principles of sharing and collective living. On site gatherings include picnics, workshops, or events involving local community organizations, and contribute to enliven the garden.
In 2016, new parcels were opened and wilder spaces with wildflower prairies were established in order to create habitat for bees and other pollinators.
The collective of the Un jardin pour tous project comprises of citizens who are also members of the Green Committee of the Démarche Décider Rosemont ensemble. The project is supported by various organizations and institutions such as Éco-quartier Rosemont – La Petite-Patrie (SODER), the CDC de Rosemont and the borough of Rosemont – La Petite-Patrie.