Earth Hour 2021 to spotlight hope for wildlife and climate

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is Saturday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m. local time


TORONTO, MARCH 25, 2021 – On Saturday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m. local time, Earth Hour, one of the largest global grassroots movements for the environment, will bring together millions around the world virtually to demand action on biodiversity loss and climate change.

There are many reasons to be hopeful despite a seemingly endless cycle of bad news about the wildlife and climate crises. That’s why this year, WWF-Canada is shining a spotlight on the wins for nature that have been earned by tireless conservation efforts by individuals, Indigenous communities, environmental groups, businesses and governments.

To ensure public safety as COVID-19 restrictions continue in Canada, Earth Hour will be celebrated virtually.

Megan Leslie, president and CEO of WWF-Canada says:

“Each year, we see increasing evidence of the impact climate change and biodiversity loss is having on our planet. We know that the news is bleak. So, this year we want to focus on what’s possible when we do act for nature. This Earth Hour is an opportunity to reflect on what’s truly important in the world and get inspired to go beyond the hour and create lasting change.”

How to participate

  • Turn off all non-essential lights at 8:30 p.m. local time
  • Join our first-ever Earth Hour “Virtual Spotlight”: On the night of Earth Hour, we’ll be posting a must-watch video on all our social media channels — and all you have to do is share it.
  • Demand a green recovery in Canada by participating in our One Earth One Voice campaign to tell government to prioritize nature in the federal budget
  • Learn more about Earth Hour 2021 to discover other opportunities that go beyond the hour


Europe at night viewed from space with city lights showing human activity in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and other countries. 3d rendering of planet Earth, elements from NASA.
© Shutterstock

Canadian stories of wildlife recovery:

  • The whooping crane is a species that declined to only 14 individuals due to pressures of habitat loss and hunting. Today the species is recovering, thanks to conservation efforts including protected areas, especially in Wood Buffalo National Park, their exclusive wild breeding grounds in Canada.
  • The Vancouver Island marmot is a ground squirrel that is only found on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It is an endemic species, which means it is not found anywhere else in the world. Canada, then, is solely responsible for ensuring its survival. A population estimate from late 1970 estimated the population was low, at 50–100 individuals. To date, a variety of recovery actions have been undertaken to increase population abundance and achieve recovery objectives for the Vancouver Island marmot, including research and monitoring; habitat restoration, protection and stewardship; and captive breeding and reintroductions.
  • While the Atlantic puffin has experienced an overall population decline globally, the Canadian population has increased in abundance since 1970 as a result of several factors, including a reduction in bycatch due to the closure of the Northern cod and Atlantic salmon gillnet fisheries.
  • Tune in to WWF-Canada’s virtual spotlight on Saturday night for more stories of wildlife recovery!


About Earth Hour

Earth Hour is WWF’s flagship global environmental movement. Born in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour has grown to become one of the world’s largest grassroots movements for the environment, inspiring individuals, communities, businesses and organizations in more than 180 countries and territories to take tangible environmental action for over a decade. Historically, Earth Hour has focused on the climate crisis, but more recently, Earth Hour has strived to also bring the pressing issue of nature loss to the fore. The aim is to create an unstoppable movement for nature, as it did when the world came together to tackle climate change. The movement recognizes the role of individuals in creating solutions to the planet’s most pressing environmental challenges and harnesses the collective power of its millions of supporters to drive change.


Notes to Editors:

Link to WWF-Canada’s Earth Hour site

Link to Earth Hour b-roll


About World Wildlife Fund Canada 
WWF-Canada creates solutions to the environmental challenges that matter most for Canadians. We work in places that are unique and ecologically important, so that nature, wildlife and people thrive together. Because we are all wildlife. For more information, visit

For further information 

Rebecca Spring, Senior manager, communications, WWF-Canada, +1-647-338-6274