Tag: fishing

Posts count: 68

Bringing the business of bycatch to light

Next to illegal wildlife trade, bycatch – the incidental capture of non-target species like whales, sharks and turtles during the fishing process – is the human activity that impacts the most number of species... Read More
Next to illegal wildlife trade, bycatch – the incidental capture of non-target species like whales, sharks and turtles during...
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Become an Afishionado: Sustainable Seafood Choices

Fish is in high demand as a superfood rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but the oceans may not be able to keep up the supply because of unsustainable fishing practices. Learn how your seafood... Read More
Fish is in high demand as a superfood rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but the oceans may not be...
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Canada's largest seafood retailer to carry ASC-certified Atlantic salmon

Loblaw Companies Ltd. announced that they’ll be carrying responsibly-sourced farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway that’s been certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) - a first for a North American grocery retailer. Read More
Loblaw Companies Ltd. announced that they’ll be carrying responsibly-sourced farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway that’s been certified by the...
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Can BC Hold the Line on Protecting our Provincial Fish?

I recently learned that DFO and the Provincial government are currently in discussion about how to change things in BC so that the Fisheries Act will not apply to all of BC’s waters. Read More
I recently learned that DFO and the Provincial government are currently in discussion about how to change things in...
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Victory in Norway. Can we do it in Canada?

Norway’s government says “no” to oil drilling in a critical marine hot spot. This decision will help conserve important habitat for the world’s largest cod stock, the planet’s largest cold water coral reef, and... Read More
Norway’s government says “no” to oil drilling in a critical marine hot spot. This decision will help conserve important...
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Recent Humpback Whale Entanglement in the Bay of Fundy

Foggy is a humpback whale that frequents the waters of the Bay of Fundy. On Sunday, Foggy was found by the Marine Animal Response Society badly entangled in fishing gear. This form... Read More
Foggy is a humpback whale that frequents the waters of the Bay of Fundy. On Sunday, Foggy was...
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