Tag: scientists

Posts count: 48

Q&A: Streaming freshwater science from citizens

After WWF-Canada’s 2017 Watershed Report revealed data deficiency as a serious obstacle to ensuring freshwater health, we partnered with Living Lakes Canada, the University of Guelph and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to create STREAM,... Read More
After WWF-Canada’s 2017 Watershed Report revealed data deficiency as a serious obstacle to ensuring freshwater health, we partnered with Living Lakes...
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So, you want to be a citizen scientist?

There’s a whole lot of science needing to be done these days, and not enough professional scientists to do it. But there is a solution! Citizen science — also known as community science —... Read More
There’s a whole lot of science needing to be done these days, and not enough professional scientists to do...
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Green Energy in Ontario: Why we can’t afford to slip backwards

Unfortunately, the energy discussion in Ontario (as it is in Canada and the world at large) is highly polarized. As a result, facts get skewed and everyday people are left wondering—what’s the real... Read More
Unfortunately, the energy discussion in Ontario (as it is in Canada and the world at large) is highly polarized....
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Celebrating Canada’s building water movement

Today is World Water Day – which for us in Canada also marks the ‘big day’ for Canada Water Week. This day, and this week, is an opportunity to reflect on how and... Read More
Today is World Water Day – which for us in Canada also marks the ‘big day’ for Canada Water...
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A good day for people and polar bears in Arviat

For several years, the 3,000 people of Arviat have been concerned about the increasing number of polar bears lingering in or near the community, putting families and property at risk. Some good news -... Read More
For several years, the 3,000 people of Arviat have been concerned about the increasing number of polar bears lingering...
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Forest elephants, scientists and chance

The heavy rain in the morning prevented me from participating in a traditional BaAka hunt in Dzanga Sangha protected area, whereby long nets are deployed in the forests and animals, like porcupines and small... Read More
The heavy rain in the morning prevented me from participating in a traditional BaAka hunt in Dzanga Sangha protected...
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Swimming upstream

Though it is still too soon to tell whether the healthier salmon returns of the past few years signal an encouraging long-term trend, there is one important new landmark of hope: this week’s release... Read More
Though it is still too soon to tell whether the healthier salmon returns of the past few years signal...
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Vancouver International Film Festival: Revolution

Through his newest film, Revolution, Rob Stewart uses what he knows best – including scuba diving and stunning shots of neat underwater creatures – to show the audience what’s at stake if we don’t... Read More
Through his newest film, Revolution, Rob Stewart uses what he knows best – including scuba diving and stunning shots...
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WWF response to inaccurate polar bear quote

Contrary to what was reported in your recent story (“Let’s put hysteria over polar bears on ice”), WWF welcomes the news that polar bear populations in Western Hudson Bay may be stable or slightly... Read More
Contrary to what was reported in your recent story (“Let’s put hysteria over polar bears on ice”), WWF welcomes...
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Wishes for a Living Planet

Kids aren’t the only ones who make “wish lists” come holiday season. Here, WWF-Canada conservation experts share their wishes for a sustainable, living planet. Read More
Kids aren’t the only ones who make “wish lists” come holiday season. Here, WWF-Canada conservation experts share their wishes...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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