Tag: whales

Posts count: 55

Five astonishing facts about Canada’s whale populations

With more than 30 species of whales roaming Canada’s waters, this country is prime whale-watching territory. And if you’re lucky enough to see one in the flesh, these astonishing facts will make them even... Read More
With more than 30 species of whales roaming Canada’s waters, this country is prime whale-watching territory. And if you’re...
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Beluga myths busted!

Let’s take a look at some myths and mysteries of the beluga whale, and try to set the record straight. Read More
Let’s take a look at some myths and mysteries of the beluga whale, and try to set the record...
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Arctic mammals and the big picture

A new paper published is the first to assess the state of the Arctic’s ice-dependent marine mammals – 11 in all. Read More
A new paper published is the first to assess the state of the Arctic’s ice-dependent marine mammals – 11...
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A new way to connect with WWF LIVE!

Everything you need to know about Google Hangouts, and how we at WWF-Canada are using it to bring you closer to our conservation work. Read More
Everything you need to know about Google Hangouts, and how we at WWF-Canada are using it to bring you...
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Can We Bear the Real Cost of Northern Gateway?

Grizzly bears, humpback whales, caribou, salmon. What’s the real cost of Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers to Canada’s environment? According to Enbridge and the government’s own review panel, the negative impacts on wildlife... Read More
Grizzly bears, humpback whales, caribou, salmon. What’s the real cost of Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers to Canada’s environment?...
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Just a fluke? The rush to downlist humpbacks while other whales wait for help.

The “downlisting” of Pacific humpback whales from “Threatened” to “Special Concern” caused a media sensation this week. Like many, we wonder why humpbacks were singled out for quick action while other whales at risk... Read More
The “downlisting” of Pacific humpback whales from “Threatened” to “Special Concern” caused a media sensation this week. Like many,...
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How Canada can protect the world’s whales

Whales in Canada’s waters are at risk of being drowned out by escalating levels of ocean noise from shipping, navy sonar, shoreline construction, and seismic exploration. But this need not be the case. Read More
Whales in Canada’s waters are at risk of being drowned out by escalating levels of ocean noise from shipping,...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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