Thinking of Earth Hour

It may be two months away, but here at WWF, we’ve already been thinking a lot about Earth Hour.  It’s coming up on Saturday March 29, 8:30pm-9:30pm, so get ready!
Every year, we spend months planning and preparing for this popular event, and we put a lot of thought into how to make the night meaningful and memorable.  For us, Earth Hour is an opportunity to bring new voices and a different perspective into the climate change conversation, and give people around the world a chance to demonstrate that they want to see action on this critical issue.
This year, we’ve been thinking about things a bit differently at WWF-Canada.  What we really want to know is: what are you thinking about during Earth Hour?  What are you reflecting on during those 60 minutes of darkness?  And what are you getting from the experience?
If you have thoughts to share, please let us know on Facebook, Twitter or at!

People celebrating the Earth Hour at a candlelight party in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. © Jeremiah Armstrong / WWF-Canada
People celebrating the Earth Hour at a candlelight party in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. © Jeremiah Armstrong / WWF-Canada