We Are All Wildlife
I am pleased to announce that today, WWF-Canada has launched “We Are All Wildlife,” a bold and compelling new awareness campaign that highlights our national mission to demonstrate that when nature thrives, people thrive.
This is our first brand awareness campaign in nearly 10 years, and comes as WWF-Canada starts a new five-year plan that focuses on the inextricable link between nature and economy. With many other important changes happening across the country, we think it’s the ideal moment to remind Canadians that living and working in harmony with nature is integral to protecting it, and, ultimately, ourselves.
“We Are All Wildlife” presents striking visual parallels between human beings and wildlife. We partnered with Toronto-based john st. advertising to develop a powerful message that’s easy to understand: We work hard to make life, so we must protect it.
Canadians will see the images in transit shelters, in buses, streetcars, subway cars, and construction hoardings all throughout Toronto and surrounding areas.
We’ve also released a 30-second national TV spot and 45-second video. They take a humourous look at the many mating rituals of animals and humans to shed light on the similarities we have as part of the natural world.
At the root of “We Are All Wildlife” and our five-year plan are crucial statistics from the WWF’s 2014 Living Planet Report. The report indicates that Canadians are using approximately 3.7 times their share of the earth’s available resources each year and more distressingly, that wildlife populations worldwide have declined by 52 per cent over the past 40 years.
We’ve designed our new five-year plan to address these pressing problems while building working examples of better ways of doing things, and approaches that benefit both nature and communities. I invite you to learn more about “We Are All Wildlife” and the inspiring solutions we’re developing to demonstrate that it’s possible to have a thriving environment and economy at wwfcastg.wwf.ca/weareallwildlife.