Tag: campus clubs

Posts count: 5

How you can Go Wild with your school campus!

Whether your campus is already practicing sustainable initiatives or is just getting started, the opportunities to Go Wild at your school are endless. Read More
Whether your campus is already practicing sustainable initiatives or is just getting started, the opportunities to Go Wild at...
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Young and Engaged – It’s Shoreline Cleanup Time!

Ever wondered what it was like to organize a Shoreline Cleanup? We spoke with Andrew Shaw, a 5th year Psychology student at Queens University who is helping organize his second cleanup. Read More
Ever wondered what it was like to organize a Shoreline Cleanup? We spoke with Andrew Shaw, a 5th year...
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Students Care about the Great Bear

WWF at Windsor adds over 50 names to the list of people saying “No” to Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. Read More
WWF at Windsor adds over 50 names to the list of people saying “No” to Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway...
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Tales from University of Windsor students’ first Cleanup!

Students at University of Windsor embody the true spirit of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup; they gathered discarded fishing lines, hooks and food containers from a fisherman’s area, protecting the area’s wildlife. Read More
Students at University of Windsor embody the true spirit of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup; they gathered discarded fishing...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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